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Course Work At RIT 


First year: Drawing 1,2,3, 2D Design 1,2,3, 3D Design 1,2,3, Vector Imaging, Intro to design drawing, Design Survey, Interior Design Elective. Financial Accounting, Hip Hop Exercise, Ballroom dancing.


Second year: Architectural Drawing, Perspective Rendering, Auto-CAD, Model Building, Intro to Interior Design, Survey of Western Art and Architecture 1,2,3, Textiles Principles of marketing, Zumba Fitness, Spinning Fitness, operations supply chain management, American Sign Language 1,2,3"



Third year: Office design, materials and specifications, furniture making, Deaf culture, architecture and interior design history 1,2, retail design, building systems, LEED certification, design thinking and concept development, ceramics. 

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